Join Us on these Platforms


  • More than rubies is not just a prayer and Bible study forum.
  • Rubies are NOT allowed to post any materials that are not prayer in the online forum.
  • Do not post or solicit for prayers for yourself or someone else directly on the Prayers only @ MTR forum.
  • Please send prayer requests directly to the Prayer Coordinator (PC) or your MTR Group Coordinators.
  • Every ruby should be addressed as Sister (e.g Sister Efe) irrespective of age, class or status.
  • Every ruby should ensure that they have registered by filling the forms and returning to the Membership Secretary (MS) through the Group Liaison Officers (GLOs), who will then forward them to the secretariat for proper documentation by the Executive Secretary (ES).
  • Every ruby must be an active member in her group (must participate actively in her group).
  • Rubies are expected to participate in the monthly night vigils which hold on the 1st Friday of every month. They can pray the prayers on their own or join the online prayers by 10 pm. Prayer points will be distributed online and hard copies can be collected from the GLOs
  • Rubies are also expected to participate in the monthly breakthrough seminars (Bible Studies) which will be distributed during the 3rd week of every month. Each ruby is expected to go through the Bible study individually at their own pace taking note of prophetic actions. Online Counseling is available through the MTR Breakthrough Seminar chat Forum or one on one where needed.
  • Prayer points are to be prayed aggressively and repeated once posted.
  • Testimony and praise reports are to be shared only on the general MTR or local group chat.
  • Posting stories that touch, feel good stories, political propaganda anything horrific should be avoided.
  • Inspirational stories should only be shared on the MTR announcement page.
  • Testimonies and praises report are to be shared with the permission of the MTR General Coordinator.
  • It is the responsibility of the rubies to ensure that sisters who they have invited to join the forum are aware of the guidelines.


MTR                More than Rubies

MTRC             More than Rubies Group Coordinator

GC                  More than Rubies General Coordinator

PC                   Prayer Coordinator

ES                   Executive Secretary

MS                  Membership Secretary

GLO                Group Liaison Officer

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